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Academic Articles


Gu W, Styger E and DH Warner, 2020.

Assessment of Additive Manufacturing for Increasing Sustainability and Productivity of Smallholder Agriculture. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. 7:6, 1-11.


Adhikari et al. 2018.

System of Crop Intensification for more productive, resource-conserving, climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture: Experience with diverse crops in varying agroecologies. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability; Volume 16 (1): 1-28.


Abraham B, Araya H, Berthe T, Edwards S, Gujia B, Khadka RB, Koma YS, Sen D, Sharif A, Styger E, Uphoff N, Verma A, 2014.

The system of crop intensification: reports from the field on improving agricultural production, food security and resilience to climate change for multiple crops. Agriculture and Food Security 3:4, 1-12.


Styger E, Ag Attaher M, Guindo H, Ibrahim H, Diaty M, Abba I, Traore M, 2011.

Application of system of rice intensification practices in the arid environment of the Timbuktu region of Mali. Paddy and Water Environment 9:137-144.


Styger E, Aboubacrine G, Ag Attaher M, Uphoff N, 2011.

The system of rice intensification as a sustainable agricultural innovation: introducing, adapting and scaling up a system a rice intensification practices in the Timbuktu region of Mali. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(1): 67-75.

Styger E, Fernandes ECM, Rakotondramasy HM and Rajaobelinirina E, 2009. 

Degrading uplands in the rainforest region of Madagascar: Fallow biomass, nutrient stocks, and soil nutrient availability. Agroforestry Systems, 77:107-122.


Styger E, Rakotondramasy HM, Pfeffer MJ, Fernandes ECM and Bates DM, 2007. 

Influence of slash-and-burn farming practices on fallow succession and land degradation in the rainforest region of Madagascar. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119: 257-269.


Styger E, Raktoarimanana JEM, Rabevohitra R and Fernandes ECM, 1999. 

Indigenous fruit trees of Madagascar: potential components of agroforestry systems to improve human nutrition and restore biological diversity. Agroforestry Systems 46 (3): 289-310.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, Hoekstra D and Coe R, 1998. 

Fodder- quality improvement through contour planting of legume-shrub/grass mixtures in croplands of Rwanda highlands. Agroforestry Systems 39 (3): 263-274.


Niang A, Ugiziwe J, Styger E and Gahamanyi A, 1996. 

Forage potential of eight woody species: intake and growth rates of local young goats in the highland region of Rwanda. Agroforestry Systems 34 (2): 171-178.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A and Ugeziwe J, 1995. 

Comparative growth of 15 exotic species and provenances in high-elevation acid soils of Rwanda. In: Evans, D.O. and Scott, L.T. (eds.). Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Acid Soils. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Report (Special Issue). Winrock International and NFTA, Morrilton, Arkansas, USA, pp. 207-215.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A and Ugeziwe G, 1994. 

Mimosa scabrella: a tree for the highlands. Agroforestry Today 6 (2): 8. 


Niang A, Styger E et Gahamanyi A, 1992. 

Suivi et évaluation en milieu réel des espèces ligneuses diverses sélectionnées en station. In: Socioeconomic and On Farm Research Workshop at ICRAF, Nairobi 7-11/9/1992. Proceedings, ICRAF, Nairobi, p. 1-22.


Book Chapters


Styger E, 2015. The System of Rice Intensification and Its International Community of Practice. In: Bollier D, Helfrich and the Heinrich Böll Foundation (eds); Patterns of Commoning; The Commons Strategies Group in cooperation with Off the Common Books, Amherst, MA, USA: 108-113.


Translated into German: 

Styger E, 2015. Erfolge auf dem Feld. Wenn Reisbauern sich zusammentun. In: Helfrich S, Bollier D and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (eds); Die Welt der Commons; Muster gemeinsames Handelns. Transcript, Verlag für Kommunikation, Kultur und Soziale Praxis; Bielefeld, Germany: p. 114-118.


Styger E and Fernandes ECM, 2006. Contributions of Managed Fallows to Soil Fertility Recovery. In: Uphoff N et al. (eds); Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, p. 425-437.  




Styger E and Traoré G, 2018. 50,000 Farmers in 13 Countries: Results from Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa; Achievements and Regional Perspectives for SRI; SRI-WAAPP Project Summary Report, 2014-2016; West Africa Agriculture Productivity Program (WAAPP). The West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), Dakar, Senegal. 120p. Download


Styger E and Jenkins D, 2014. Technical Manual for SRI in West Africa; Improving the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa. SRI International Network and Resources Center, International Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 56 p. (Version 1: February 2014, Version 2: August 2014). In English and French. Download


Abraham B, Araya H, Berthe T, Edwards S, Gujia B, Khadka RB, Koma YS, Sen D, Sharif A, Styger E, Uphoff N, Verma A, 2014. The System of Crop Intensification: Agroecological Innovations for Improving Agricultural Production, Food Security, and Resilience to Climate Change. SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice), Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 69 p. Download


The World Bank, 2008. Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook; The World Bank, Washington DC. 196 p. (Co-editor), Download


Darghouth S, Ward Ch, Gambarelli G, Styger E, Roux J, 2008. Watershed Management Approaches, Policies, and Operations: Lessons for Scaling Up. Water Sector Board Discussion Series, No. 11, May 2008, The World Bank, Washington DC, 137 p.  Download


The World Bank, 2006. Sustainable Land Management: Challenges, Opportunities and Trade-Offs; Agriculture and Rural Development Department, The World Bank, Washington DC, 87 p. Download


Analytical Articles


Styger E and Uphoff N, 2016. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Revisiting Agronomy for a Changing Climate. Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice Brief. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Download


Styger E, 2014. System of Rice Intensification Research: A Review (1993-2013).

Oral presentation at the International Rice Congress (IRC), October 31, 2014, Bangkok Thailand; Download


Styger E, 2013. SRI 2.0: How is SRI evolving and what are we learning? In: SRI – much more than more rice; Farming Matters; March 2013, Vol 29 (1), p.10-13. Article; Download


Styger E, 2012. Increasing rice yields and saving water: Lessons for Policy and Practice - The System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Lead Article for: Rethinking the Rice Value Chain; Knowledge for Development, Observatory on Science, Technology and Innovation for ACP Agricultural and Rural Development, CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands. CTA website, Article posted 11/20/2012; Download


Styger E, 2012. The Price of Rice; Port Magazine, Issue 6, London, 2012, p 124-125


Research Reports


Edwards I, Styger E, 2021. Jubilee Justice SRI Rice Initiative, Rice Field Trials in Louisiana and Mississippi; Jubilee Justice, Alexandria, Louisiana and Climate-Resilient Farming Systems Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, p. 56.


Styger E, 2019. Adoption and Adaptation of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Northern Corridor of Haiti; AVANSE Project, Cap-Haitian, Haiti, DAI Global LLC, USAID Haiti, p.96.


Styger E, 2010a. Scaling-up the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Goundam and Dire, Timbuktu 2009/2010. Final Report. Africare Goundam and Africare Bamako, Mali, 29 p. In English

Styger E, 2010b. Introducing the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to irrigated systems in Gao, Mopti, Timbuktu and to rainfed systems in Sikasso, 2009/2010. Initiatives Intégrées pour la Croissance Economique au Mali (IICEM) Project, Bamako, Mali, p. 26. In English


Styger E, Ibrahim H, 2009. The System of Wheat Intensification (SWI). First time testing by farmers in Goundam and Dire, Timbuktu, Mali 2009. Africare Goundam and Africare Bamako, Mali. 20 p.


Styger E 2009. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - Community-based evaluation in Goundam and Dire Circles, Timbuktu, Mali, 2009/2009, Africare, Bamako, Mali, 37 p. In English and French


Styger E 2001. Fireless Upland Management in Eastern Madagascar. IN: Neimark B., and Styger, E (Eds) (2001). LDI/CIIFAD Annual Research Report, 1999-2000, CIIFAD, LDI, Chemonics International, Ministry of Environment, Madagascar, USAID. Chemonics International, Washington DC, USA, p. 38-42.


Styger E et Rakotoarimanana J, 1996. A la découverte des espèces ligneuses fruitières indigènes de Madagascar. Contribution à l’identification des espèces ligneuses fruitières indigènes de la Region Orientale de Madagascar et à une meilleure compréhension de leur exploitation et appréciation par la population rurale. Etude ethnobotanique dans les sous-région Andasibe, Masoala et Ranomafana entre le 10/1995 et 4/1996.  SNGF (Silo National des Graines Forestières) et Projet d’Appui au Silo National (PASN), Intercooperation, Antananarivo, Madagascar et Berne, Suisse, 83 p.


Rakotoarimanana J et Styger E 1996. Fiches individuelles des arbres fruitiers indigènes de Madagascar: les espèces priorisées. Fiches techniques. SNGF (Silo National des Graines Forestières) et Projet d’Appui au Silo National (PASN), Intercooperation; Antananarivo, Madagascar et Berne, Suisse, 74 p.


Styger, E 1995. Recherche agricole et agroforestière sur les ‘Monka’ dans le Menabe Central. Rapport Technique Saison 1994/1995. SAF-CO, Morondava, Madagascar,et Intercooperation, Berne, Suisse,  90 p.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, Twagilimana A, Rutayija JP et Nduwayezu JB 1994. Projet AFRENA Rwanda: Rapport d’activités, Période Mars 1992-1993. Rapport AFRENA N° 75. ICRAF: Nairobi, Kenya, 75 p.


Niang, A., Gahamanyi, A. et Styger, E. (1993). Les Leucaena sp.: Etat de connaissances et perspective de recherche pour le Rwanda. Note Technique. ISAR: Rubona, Rwanda, 43 p.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, 1993. Projet AFRENA Rwanda: Rapport d’activités, Période Mars 1991-1992. Rapport AFRENA N° 60. ICRAF: Nairobi, Kenya, 107 p.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, 1992. Simplification des techniques de plantation de Sesbania sesban dans la région des Hautes Terres du Buberuka (Rwanda); Raçines nues, Semis direct. Note Technique N°5. ISAR: Rubona, Rwanda, 13 p.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, 1991. Projet AFRENA Rwanda: Rapport d’activités, Période Mars 1990-1991. Rapport AFRENA N° 46. ICRAF: Nairobi, Kenya, 83 p.


Niang A, Styger E, Gahamanyi A, 1990. Projet AFRENA Rwanda: Rapport d’activités, Période Mars 1989-1990. Rapport AFRENA N° 31. ICRAF: Nairobi, Kenya, 27 p.


Technical training materials


Styger E, 2020. Les Banques Alimentaires et Fourragères (BAF) au Niger : Identification des Bonnes Pratiques de Stockage et Conservation des Aliments et des Fourrages. Rapport Technique pour la Banque Mondiale, la FAO et le Gouvernement du Niger, p. 113.

Styger E, 2019. Le Système de Riziculture Intensive (SRI), Manuel Technique SRI pour Haïti; AVANSE Project, Cap-Haitian, Haitié DAI Global LLC, USAID, Haiti, p. 61


Styger E and Jenkins D, 2014. Technical Manual for SRI in West Africa; Improving the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa; SRI International Network and Resources Center, International Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, p. 56 (Version 1: February 2014, Version 2: August 2014).


Translated into French:

Styger E and Jenkins D, 2014.  Manuel Technique sur le SRI en Afrique de l’Ouest; Amélioration et mise à échelle du Système de Riziculture Intensive en Afrique de l’Ouest; SRI International Network and Resources Center, International Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, p. 61 (1ère version Février 2014, deuxième version Août 2014).


SRI training videos for East Africa, 2013; 1) SRI introduction: the spread of SRI in East Africa, 2) SRI Training 1: Seed Germination and Nursery Preparation, 3) SRI Training 2: Field Preparation and Transplanting, 4) SRI Training 3: Weeding and Water Management; co-produced with IFAD and Flooded Cellar Video production: (in French, English, Kinyarwanda, and Kirundi)


Africare Mali and SAC Goundam 2009. Fiche Technique pour le Système de Riziculture Intensive (SRI) à Tombouctou, Mali. Africare Mali, Bamako et Secteur de l’Agriculture du Cercle (SAC) de Goundam, DRA Tombouctou, Tombouctou, Mali., p.22. 


SRI Timbuktu Blog: Introducing SRI to small farmers in Mali over the course of the 2008/2009 cropping season


Technical assistance and consultancy reports


Styger E, 2019. Adoption and Adaptation of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Northern Corridor of Haiti; AVANSE Project, Cap-Haitian, Haiti, DAI Global LLC, USAID Haiti, p.96.


Styger E and Barison J, 2016. SRI Development Planning and Implementation in the St. Marc Commune, Haiti. Consultancy Report for Chanje Lavi Plante Project, Feed The Future, USAID; Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 100 p.


Styger E, 2014. Rice production diagnostic for Chinsali (Chinsali District, Northern Province) and Mfuwe (Mwambe District, Eastern Province), Zambia. July 2014, for COMACO and David. R. Atkinson Center for Sustainable Development; SRI International Network and Resources Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 51 p.


Styger E, 2014. Trip Report to Liberia; Improving and Scaling Up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa. February 22 – March 2nd, 2014, Monrovia, Republic of Liberia; SRI-Rice Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 13 p.


Styger E, 2010.  Introducing the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to Haiti. Follow-up Field Visit to SRI Introductions; Report, August 30–September 10, 2010; SRI-Rice and Better U Foundation, Ithaca New York, 19 p. Report


Styger E and Barison J, 2010. Introducing the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to Haiti: Training farmers in three regions of Haiti. June 2010; SRI-Rice and Better U Foundation, Ithaca New York, 18 p. Report


Styger E, 2008. Douentza Circle in Crisis, Improving Household Resiliency to Food Security Shock in Mali. Project period Jan 2006-Dec 2007. Final Project Evaluation Report for Catholic Relief Service, Bamako, Mali, 84 p.


Styger E, 2007. Forestry and Agroforestry Analysis for the MCC/MCA Alatona Irrigation Project, Segou, Mali. Constraints and Opportunities. Consultant Report. For DAI, Washington DC, 40 p.


Styger E, 2007. Constraints Analysis, Timbuktu Food Security Initiative (TFSI), Timbuktu, Mali. Consultancy Report. Multi Year Activity Proposal (MYAP); for Africare, Washington DC and Bamako, Mali, 24 p.


Styger E, 2007. Achieving the Millennium Development Goal Number One through Agriculture in the 166 Food Insecure Communes of Mali. Project Concept Note written for Millennium Development Goal Alliance Initiative, Bamako, Mali, 33 p.


Styger E, 2006. Profitable and Environmentally Sound Farming Systems Replace Slash-and-Burn Agriculture Practices at Landscape Level in the Toamasina (forest corridors Ankeniheny-Zahamena) and Fianarantsoa (forest corridors Ranomafana – Andringitra – Pic d’Ivohibe) provinces of Madagascar. Mid-Term Program Evaluation Consultancy Report of Module 3 of project; for Eco-Regional Initiatives to Promote Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn (ERI-Program) and DAI, Washington DC; produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development, 95 p.


Workshop proceedings (selection)


Jenkins D, Tack S and E Styger (2013). System of Rice Intensification Regional Training for Peace Corps; September 2012, Kakanitchoe (Oueme), Republic of Benin. Summary report, Peace Corps (USAID), SRI-Rice and ROPPA; 26p


Styger E and Fisher-Post M, 2011. First International Workshop on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for Latin America and the Caribbean; October 31 and November 1st, 2011. Proceedings. EARTH University Campus, Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica; SRI-Rice Cornell University, Jim Carrey’s Better U Foundation, California, and EARTH University, Costa Rica; p. 28


Styger E and Neimark B (Eds), 2001. LDI/CIIFAD Annual Research Report, 1999-2000; CIIFAD, LDI, Chemonics International, Ministery of Environment of Madagascar and USAID. Chemonics International, Washington DC, USA, p 72.


Niang A, Gahamanyi A and Styger E (Eds), 1991. Actes de la Réunion Agroforestière organisée par le projet ICRAF/ISAF du 13. au 15. 09. 1990. Workshop proceedings. Rapport AFRENA N° 36. ICRAF: Nairobi, Kenya. 

Contributions CIIFAD Annual Reports (Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development)


Styger E, 2002. Retaining and regaining agricultural productivity of degrading uplands. In: CIIFAD Annual report 2000-2001. CIIFAD (Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, p. 88-89.


Styger E, 2001. Upland management without fire. In: CIIFAD Annual report 1999-2000. CIIFAD (Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, p.78-79.


Styger E, 1999. Villagers learn to propagate high quality exotic and indigenous fruit trees. In CIIFAD Annual report 1997-1998. CIIFAD (Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, p. 62-63.


Video co-productions


SRI Video from Sierra Leone, 2015, Co-produced video with Flooded Cellar: Mendesora Unites – SRI in Sierra Leone (13:11 min); Gerald Aruna and SRI in Sierra Leone: (3:51 min)

SRI Video from Nepal, 2014, Co-produced with Flooded Cellar Video production: Long version (12:28 min), short version: (4:53 min)


SRI training videos for East Africa, 2013; 1) SRI introduction: the spread of SRI in East Africa, 2) SRI Training 1: Seed Germination and Nursery Preparation, 3) SRI Training 2: Field Preparation and Transplanting, 4) SRI Training 3: Weeding and Water Management;

co-produced with IFAD and Flooded Cellar Video production: (in French, English, Kinyarwanda, and Kirundi)


Feeding West Africa with Climate-Smart Rice Farming: 6 min video produced for Cornell booth at the UN Climate Change Conference for the 23rd session of the Conference of Parties (COP23), in Bonn, Germany, 6-17 November 2017




Styger E, 2004. Fire-less Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Agriculture (Tavy) in the Rainforest Region of Madagascar.  Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 326 p.  


Master Thesis


Styger E, 1989. Population dynamics of two stemborer species Sesamia calamistis Hmps und Eldana saccharina Walker in sole and mixed infestations on maize and their influence on maize yield. Institute of Crop Science, Field of Phytomedicine, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland and Biological Control Program, IITA, Cotonou, Benin 87 p.

Photos and Webdesign by Erika Styger ©2021

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