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Highlands of Rwanda (1990-1993): on station and on-farm research with ICRAF (World Agroforestry Center)


Semi-arid dense forest ecosystem of Madagascar (1994-1995): Species screening and soil fertility on-farm research with Swiss Development Corporation


Rainforest region of Madagascar (1999-2001)Natural and agroforestry fallow management in slash-and-burn agriculture systems; during PhD research


Semi-arid region of Mali (2007): Forestry and Agroforestry Assessment; Consulting for Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI).



Degrading uplands in the rainforest region of Madagascar: Fallow biomass, nutrient stocks, and soil nutrient availability

Agroforestry Systems, 2009


Fodder quality improvement through contour planting of legume-shrub/grass mixtures in croplands of Rwanda Highlands

Agroforestry Systems 39 (3): 263-274, 1998


Forage potential of eight woody species: intake and growth rates of local young goats in the highland region of Rwanda

Agroforestry Systems 34 (2): 171-178, 1996


Mimosa scabrella: a tree for the highlands

Agroforestry Today 6(2): 8, 1994


Comparative growth of 15 exotic agroforestry species and provenances in high-elevation acid soils of Rwanda

Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Acid Soils, pp. 207-215, 1995


Villagers learn to propagate high quality exotic and indigenous fruit trees

CIIFAD annual report 1997-1998, 1999


Photos and Webdesign by Erika Styger ©2021

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